Making Use Of Fume-Hoods In a Laboratory In The Best Way Possible

Inhalation is one of the most crucial entry points for any harmful chemicals to get inside the body. Vapors and chemical fumes can directly get into the bloodstream, and minute and small particles may intrude the lungs (alveolar region). An adequately designed and well-operated fume-hood may bring down the exposure to these harmful fumes, gases, dusts, and vapors, thus protecting the people working in the lab facility. A fume-hood restricts hazardous airborne particles essentially by diluting them with a large amount of air. The equipment then directs the harmful air into the exhaust system, which then expels out, making the room safe again for using. When you make the best use of the fume-hood (for example, acid corrosive storage cabinets), it can also protect the worker from any kind of uncontrolled reaction. In most occasions, it is seen that fume-hoods are examined (assessed) and tested inspected once ever year to check if the performance standards are being fulfilled and if the equipment is completely safe to use. 

To get the most of a fume-hood, you need to ensure a few essential things. First and foremost, perform all tasks that involve volatile and hazardous materials in a fume-hood. You must also be fully skilled and trained to use a fume-hood before you get to use one, and always remember to close all the windows and doors near the hood. In addition to all that, keep your work item at a minimum distance of 15 cm from the hood, and use the sash as a safety shield while conducting experiments with reactive chemicals and also while boiling materials. Last, but not least, as a responsible caretaker or user of the fume-hood equipment, prepare and share a detailed plan of action that can be beneficial in case there is an emergency. 

There are a few things that must never be done while using fume-hood setups. First and foremost, stay safe by never placing your face inside the equipment. Second, do not overcrowd the fume-hood with materials. In addition to that, do not place power boards or other spark creating sources inside the hood. You must also not modify the fume-hood on your own. 


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